

It’s the nineteenth of July,
oh, I could laugh and I could cry.
Privately, I am in heaven;
workwise? Hell number 7.
It’s the nineteenth of July,
every mail another sigh.

[Verse 1]
At the start nothing’s amiss.
I was teaching in a bliss.
Only midday brought the start
of frustration in my heart
over one colleague, well arse,
and their work being a farse.

It’s the nineteenth of July,
oh, I could laugh and I could cry.
Privately, I am in heaven;
workwise? Hell number 7.
It’s the nineteenth of July,
every mail another sigh.

[Verse 2]
The sun outside turned into rain
so suddenly, it was insane.
While inside we wrote a mail
put in debt’s coffin nail by nail
with an offer for a flat.
An hour later we heard back.

It’s the nineteenth of July,
oh, I could laugh and I could cry.
Privately, I am in heaven;
workwise? Hell number 7.
It’s the nineteenth of July,
every mail another sigh.

[Verse 3]
A little more was all it took
to have the seller on our hook.
Another call with our banks
then we had theirs, and they our thanks.
All the while my colleague still
fed frustration, killed work will.

It’s the nineteenth of July,
oh, I could laugh and I could cry.
Privately, I am in heaven;
workwise? Hell number 7.
It’s the nineteenth of July,
every mail another sigh.

[Verse 4]
To support the missing skill
of my colleague and their quill
the internet was on a break
and my sanity at stake.
Now twelve hours must have passed
still no data for that I asked.

It’s the nineteenth of July,
oh, I could laugh and I could cry.
Privately, I am in heaven;
workwise? Hell number 7.
It’s the nineteenth of July,
every mail another sigh.

[Verse 5]
So, my joy of a new home,
of an empire outside of Rome
got mixed-up with my frustration
over the net and the workstation,
but like the sun returned from rain,
my joy will last, but not my pain.

It’s the nineteenth of July,
and I could laugh, and I could cry.
tears of joy and happiness
after all the mental stress.
It’s the nineteenth of July,
oh, what a day that just flew by.