You or Me?

You or Me?
Rakastan sinua
were not the first words
||: I learned :||
Finnish swear words at first.
But they are the reason
for thinking
for dreaming
for planning

Zu dir oder zu mir?
was not the question
||: I asked :||
to go on adventures in Glaswegian parks.
But it is what we ask now
when thinking
when dreaming
when planning

Suomi or Deutschland?
cannot be chosen
||: both :||
are dependant on who finds work where first.
But one of us will move
for thinking
for dreaming
for planning
while living together.

You or me?
is the question
||: we ponder :||
who will be moving.
I do not care as long as
we eat
we sleep
we are

So, let us imagine
I move to you.